The Lambertini, with award winners

The Cultural Institute of the Province of Buenos Aires announced the winners of the first Provincial Composition Competition for Symphonic Orchestra, a proposal that brought together women and members of the LGTBIQ+ collective who were born, work or live in the Buenos Aires territory. The first edition was held in tribute to the composer Marta Lambertini, and each year it will be named after other Buenos Aires composers.

The jury made up of renowned composers Cecilia Villanueva, Pablo Rubino and Gabriela Yaya, chose the winning works. The First Prize went to “Humedal”, by Rosa Nolly, the Second Prize went to “Juegos de Infancia” by Agustina Crespo and the Third Prize went to “Dársena Sur” by Valeria Pelka (…) The three award-winning works will be performed by the orchestra of the Southern Artistic Organizations (OAS).

“This competition not only seeks to inspire the composition of works for the Symphony Orchestra, but mainly to promote and make visible the works composed by women and members of the LGTBIQ+ collective from the Buenos Aires territory. Historically, the role of composition has been attributed to men, not only from the imagination but mainly from the selection of spaces and the historical story,” they expressed from the Cultural Institute.

Born in San Isidro, Marta Lambertini studied composition at the Faculty of Musical Arts and Sciences of the UCA and continued her studies through a scholarship awarded by CICMAT. She taught at various institutions: National University of La Plata, National Conservatory of Music, School of Fine Arts of Quilmes and Faculty of Musical Arts and Sciences of the UCA, of which she was Dean and Ordinary Full Professor. He has received numerous awards and distinctions and has participated in national and international juries, as well as in various festivals and musical conferences. He died in 2019.

The Winners


Agustina Crespo is a composer, singer and university professor. He began his studies privately and then entered the Bachelor’s Degree in Composition at the Universidad Católica Argentina, where he graduated with honors in 2008. At the same time, she studied Music Production for Audiovisual Media at the same faculty. She works as a professor in the Bachelor of Music at the National University of Tres de Febrero and in the Composition with Electroacoustic Media degree at the National University of Quilmes. At the same time, she is co-director of the Untref Vocal Ensemble (belonging to the UNTREF Bachelor’s Degree in Music). She has been awarded and granted scholarships on numerous occasions and her works have been recorded and performed in numerous concert halls in Argentina and other countries such as Colombia, Uruguay, France, Germany, Spain and the United States. She currently works as a mezzo-soprano in the Música Inaudita Ensemble.

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